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December 2014

Like Chocolates? Feed God’s Sheep!

Ready for another “growth spurt” in your walk with our Lord Jesus?  Then keep reading… If we truly love someone, we will do what he or she asks of us (if it is good).  Let’s say you want to buy chocolate for someone because you love her.  You like chocolate, it is a good gift, and that is what you do for people you love.  However, this particular girl has told you time after time that she is allergic to chocolate and she really likes apples.  If you get her chocolate, anyway, is your gift demonstrating love to her?  No, it’s not.  Could you continue to do something like that to someone you truly love?  Again, the answer is, “No”.  Jesus asks us to keep the 10 Commandments (notice that they are not called the “10 Suggestions”), to preach the Gospel, and to feed His sheep (witness to the lost and help others).  If we don’t do as Jesus commands us to do, do we love Him?  Once again, the answer is, “No”, which means that this individual has not truly made Jesus their Lord.  The dictionary defines the word “Lord” as a man of noble rank or high office; a person who has authority, control, or power over others.  If one truly makes Jesus their Lord, they must do as He says… or they are not making Him Lord of their life…they have put other God’s before Him, which is idolatry, even if it is putting our own wishes above His (see 2 Timothy 3: 1-5, preferably the Amplified Version of the Bible).  Also see Luke 6:46-49. To start with, Luke 6:46 says, ““But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?”  And also, please see Matthew 7:21-23, which expounds on and clarifies the fate of those who believe in Jesus but do not do what He says…meaning, they have not REALLY made Him the Lord of their life, they don’t REALLY love Him (see the following verse, John 14:21, that I quote in the next paragraph).

One of my favorite verses on the subject of obeying His commands is John 14: 21, which says, “The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him”.

Think of it this way, you can believe in a parachute, but when the plane goes down, if you don’t put on the parachute, it won’t save you…in that regard, Romans 13: 14 says, “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.”  Notice it says to “put on” the Lord Jesus Christ…like a parachute!  “Putting on” Jesus involves not only believing in Him, but Trusting in Him AND repenting of your sins, which means turning away from them as best as you possibly and honestly can and doing as He commands.  Then He will give you a new spirit with new desires (His desires) and you will hunger and thirst for righteousness.

Of course we are to pray, to seek Jesus and praise Him, but what is foremost on His mind?  A few weeks ago, I realized one morning that in a particular conversation that Jesus had with Peter, He did not tell Peter to pray, to seek Him, or to praise Him if he loves Him, Jesus said to feed His sheep…three times in a row for emphasis (see John 21: 15-17).  One of the first things that Jesus said to His disciples was, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19).  Also, one of the first things Jesus said when He left and ascended into Heaven, what was heaviest on His heart and foremost on His mind (most important to Him) was, “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel”…(see Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:18-20, and Luke 24:46-49).

Since telling others about Jesus is most important to Him, it should be most important to us.  After all… He commanded use to do so.  Please see , because it is all about sharing Jesus Christ with others, the way Jesus did, giving the Law to the proud and grace to the humble.  You can even watch Ray and Kirk on You Tube: ;flow=grid.  And here is a direct download link for a free book to get you started:   Here is the website for the book (if you want to read some about it before downloading it):

God Bless you,

Eddie Witness

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